Who are the Landscape Lighting Guys?

Discover for yourself! Connect with our landscape lighting company today to meet us in person.

Our Story

Landscape Lighting Guys was founded by Matt Wooldridge in 2018 to fill a gap in the landscaping industry in St. Louis. Property owners looking for a brand that specialized in outdoor lighting services were overlooked and underserved.

So, while other companies may offer lighting products as just another aspect of their services, these solutions are the entire focus for our landscape lighting company. In fact, it’s a passion of ours to design and install new lighting for creative customers like you.

Nothing can replace the look on our clients’ faces when they turn their lights on for the first time. Browse our customer reviews today to experience their satisfaction for yourself.


Matt Wooldridge: Owner, Operator, Landscape Lighting Expert

Matt Wooldridge is the founder and owner of Landscape Lighting Guys today, but he started in the landscaping industry over 15 years ago. At that time, he provided landscaping services while attending EMT/Paramedic school and volunteering for his local fire district.

Though passionate about emergency medicine, it didn’t take long for him to discover his dream of being an entrepreneur. He realized that he wanted to start a business of his own, but at first, only imagined a small enterprise to occupy him on his days off.

He built a successful company over the following 10 years, but in 2018, he decided to sell it. Why? So he could focus his time, attention, and creative energy on landscape lighting, of course!



professional lighting services

Professional Lighting Services: From Side Act to Main Attraction

The hardscape division of his company offered professional landscape lighting services, but Matt felt something was missing. He always had a talent for outdoor lighting, and he noticed the untapped value of the service.

In fact, he’d long felt as though the St. Louis market for outdoor LED lighting needed (and deserved!) a company dedicated to serving this sector.

With that realization, Landscape Lighting Guys was born. Today, property owners throughout Missouri don’t have to settle for landscaping businesses that treat outdoor lighting as a second thought.

professional outdoor lighting

The Wooldridges: The Family in “Family-Owned”

Matt spends every second he can spare with his beautiful family.

“When I started this new venture in 2018,” Matt said, “I told myself that I needed to give myself more time off to spend with family and friends.”

How has that worked out for him?

“I feel like doing this has given me more motivation than I have ever had in life. It’s also made me more focused, more productive, and has allowed me to enjoy the little things.”

A Landscape Lighting Company with Integrity & Professionalism

At Landscape Lighting Guys, we provide superior quality service and unparalleled expertise while respecting your home, your family, and your creative vision.


Quality & Expertise

We offer outdoor LED lighting of the highest quality and only with the industry’s best warranties. We’ve done our homework — every one of our outdoor landscape lighting products is built for longevity and durability. Even better, we’ve completed extensive testing in all weather conditions to ensure uninterrupted functionality.

We’re excited to showcase our in-house products. During an in-person consultation, you’ll see the industry-leading quality and exceptional versatility of our fixtures. Browse our FAQs to discover how our passion translates into unparalleled service delivery.


Respect for Your Home

When a service provider visits your home or business, it’s paramount that they treat you, your property, and your family with respect — at every step in the process.

As a family-run business ourselves, we know that the best products don’t replace respect and kindness, and that each of these characteristics are foundational to satisfying service.

At Landscape Lighting Guys, these qualities are our core values. We’ll always treat your home or business with the care we show to our own families.

Satisfaction, Health, & Safety: Our Top Priorities

Speaking of treating you with respect, we prioritize the safety and wellness of our clients and our employees. We’re monitoring COVID-19 closely every day, particularly its impact on the St. Louis Metropolitan Region.

While we can’t control the severity or unpredictability of this virus, we can take preventive measures to limit its spread and impact. We act with prudence in our daily operations by following basic preventative safety measures and the guidance provided by the U.S. Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and other health agencies.

These measures include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Cleaning our hands with soap often, and for at least 20 seconds.

  • Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

  • Maintaining the recommended distance of 6 feet from other people.

  • Cleaning any and all surfaces that are touched frequently.

  • Covering our faces with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

  • Ensuring that tissues are placed in the trash immediately after use.

  • Staying at home to recover and prevent contact when sick.

If you have any concerns, or you require us to take special precautions, we encourage you to let us know in advance of your appointment. We’ll continue to monitor COVID-19 closely and act accordingly.

What Can You Do to Maximize Safety?

Follow these tips from the CDC to help prevent the spread of the seasonal flu and respiratory diseases like Coronavirus (COVID-19). If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at your convenience.

professional landscape lighting

Experience Our Passion for Professional Landscape Lighting First-Hand

Stories are exciting, and ours feels particularly special to us. However, stories only provide so much confidence before you require actions to back up our words.

Fortunately, that’s where we shine, because outdoor landscape lighting isn’t just what we do, it’s all we do.

Connect with us today for a free estimate, and discover the passion, collaborative spirit, and respect that built our landscape lighting company.